Compassionate Luxury by Ace Jewelers
Our Compassionate Luxury line is something we created out of equal parts passion and curiosity. We’re very passionate about luxury. We love well-made products that strike a chord between tech, design and craftsmanship. To many however the notion of luxury is changing. No longer does it stand for pure indulgence of the senses no matter the cost. Today’s luxury takes into account the effect it has on our planet, the environment, and the living beings that inhabit it.
There’s much confusion regarding terms such as green, sustainable, responsible, eco-friendly and more. We have chosen to step away from that discussion and go with Compassionate Luxury. Here Compassionate stands for friendliness towards our environment, other people, and towards ourselves. Opening our eyes to what good we can do through even the smallest steps, without compromising on our usual standards. Products and experiences that are intrinsically wonderful and at the same time completely harm free. Beautiful and good.
So, we’ve been thinking about how we could implement this thought in to our line of business, which is of course high-end watches and jewelry. The first thing that came to mind was a cool watch strap. Simple, easy, yet with the power to transform your watch completely.
We spent about two years looking for something we felt could work and that was up to our standards. At BaselWorld 2018 the stars finally aligned. When roaming the smaller halls of this immense show we ran into an old friend and supplier, who told us about a few cool projects and materials he’d been working on. Back at his stand he showed us a few samples of the materials and that’s were got very excited. This was exactly the kind of stuff we had been looking for!
Back home we did some brainstorming and decided we should go for it. We contacted our friend find out what could do together. A lot of emails went back and forth in order to finalize the material, color and design. Next we received the prototypes. Great stuff! After a bit of testing we approved them with only a few minor changes, and production could finally begin. Apparently it wasn’t easy! To be honest, we experienced so many delays and setbacks that we were close to giving up. But now, many months later, we’re very proud to show you the result: our Ace Compassionate Luxury Ash & Cork strap. The first in hopefully a long line of beautiful products that make you feel good too.